
Remortgaging happens when you change your mortgage deal for a new one.

If your current mortgage deal is coming to an end or you want to take advantage of the new interest rates, we can review your mortgage (ideally 3 - 6 months before) and see if you should stay with your current lender or if there is a better deal for you.

Getting the best mortgage solutions for your residential purchase.

What happens at the end of my deal if I do nothing?

Generally, if you were to get to the end of a fixed rate period and don’t do anything, you’ll go onto a lender’s standard variable.

This is more expensive and you will see a significant jump in your monthly repayment.


It’s advisable to have spoken to your mortgage broker 3 months before your current mortgage is coming to an end so that we can find the right deal for you.


There are some occasions where remortgaging is not the right option, such as looking to sell your home or if you’re wanting to make a large payment. Chat to somebody qualified with the experience for you to make an informed decision.

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